Monday, August 6, 2012

Working with a theme: go nuts and stick with it, or leaf it to the experts?

Saturday was our 5th wedding anniversary and the traditional gift is wood. We have a stack of plywood out in the garage that is destined to become new counter tops for our kitchen. I'd say that covers the wood quotient of our anniversary gift.

What Jason needed was a tool to help facilitate the construction of the counter tops, so I got him a trim router for cutting the formica we're covering the counters with. The next day he needed a random orbital sander, so we went back to Home Depot and got one. Two new power tools, one weekend. Best. Anniversary. Ever.

I wrap just about everything in brown craft paper. I really like using craft paper for wrapping gifts. It gives you a simple, versatile look and lends itself well to a little creativity. For this gift, I doodled tree rings with a brown Sharpie. Super cute and took about 5 minutes.

I also like making my own cards. For this one, I printed out an inside message on white cardstock. I folded the card in half and cut it to size with an x-acto knife. For the cover, I cut a piece of scrapbook paper to size, cut the heart out with the x-acto, then glued it to the front of the cardstock card. I used a red pen for the details. The inside message? Brace yourself, it's really corny...

wood you like to know a secret?
it's hard knot to love you
because you keep me rooted

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are back in action!!! I found a simple craft the other day and thought of you... they knitted a "snake skin" (long and skinny then sew it together on the long end, I assume) and stuff it. Then you coil the snake for a seat cushion. It doesn't really look like a snake, just a spirally cushion with bright funky colors. It was cool. You have probably seen this though.
